Thursday, January 17, 2008

2007 in Review (Part One)

2007 is probably the best year for video games I can remember. 1998 was good, to be sure, but 2007 was absolutely incredible. I'm going to make a few posts about the games I played with some of my thoughts on them.

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

When I first downloaded the Uncharted demo, I was somewhat underwhelmed. I found a game, with a decent, if unspectacular, shooting mechanic; and a likewise just above average clamber puzzle mechanic. From this I wasn't sure if I wanted the game that much, so instead of buying it, I just put it on my Amazon wishlist.

I ended up getting a copy for Christmas, so when I'd absolutely finished every other game in my library (except one), I fired it up.

Holy crap. What seemed like sort of a mediocre shooting experience turns into one of the best cover/shootout systems I've encountered. The enemies seem incredibly threatening without being unfair, there is ample reason and motivation to move from cover to cover to avoid flanking enemies and grab more ammo, there is even reason to run up and occasionally melee fight an enemy. Turns out to be just a fantastic system and if the game leans heavily on this mechanic, it's the right call, because it's a lot of fun.

The clambering/ puzzle solving sections were fun as well, but I wouldn't say they were really spectacular in any way. I really liked the overall variety in the gameplay, however. One minute you're in a gunfight, then you're in a ridealong section, then you're piloting a Jet ski through hostile waters. All fun, all exciting, 100% pulp action.

The story and characters are really good as well. Nathan Drake is a likable hero, even if I don't quite buy him as an "everyman". I like how the characters and game in general have a sense of humor akin to pulp action movies, in the vein of Romancing the Stone and even Indiana Jones. The story is interesting and actually has a few twists I didn't see coming. The atmosphere in the game also works in it's favor, with lush jungles, absolutely incredible water, and creepy interiors to explore.

The graphics are overall great, maybe just shy of fantastic. The jungle environments are refreshingly colorful, and there are some really nice lighting effects that get really shown off in interiors. The water is, again, fantastic, with oceans that made me want to take a swim, to white water rivers that seemed ready for a raft. Just incredible water, I really liked it.

The game's not flawless however, I feel it tends a bit on the difficult side overall, and there was a puzzle where I just banged my head against the wall until I looked it up on gamefaqs. The final boss encounter breaks the rules established earlier in the game, which is something that I can't stand. For all the great graphics and wonderful technology, occasionally I feel like the art lets the game down. The animations in particular are occasionally bafflingly odd looking. Visually though, the nits are somewhat small. Balance wise, I feel like it's a bit more of an issue (I played the game on normal). I never got to the point of throwing my controller, but there were definitely some frustrating times.

Overall, top-notch game, too bad it wasn't the system seller it deserved to be.

Mass Effect

Ah yes, finally, the long-awaited follow up to Jade Empire. Mass Effect. Here's a game, that I feel has some huge, glaring flaws, things I could bitch about for hours with my friends. One of the most frustrating moments I've met in video games. And yet....

And yet it remains one of the best games of 2007, and probably one of the best games I've ever played. The graphics are absolutely incredible. The faces look amazing and the animation sets the bar. I loved the feel of the game, artistically, I constantly felt like I was in a golden age science fiction story.

The characters, story, conversations, and player character story arc, are all in some ways unprecedented in video games. The story isn't quite up there with Planescape:Torment, but I will say I think it tops KOTOR. I really enjoyed the way the conversation system worked, and how the character traits no longer really affect the combat mechanics. I really enjoyed the writing and dialog and found some funny moments in the game.

The shooting mechanics aren't so hot. Particularly at the beginning. I feel like the designers decided to have a sense of character progression by making the player better at shooting as the stats level, but this has the unfortunate side effect of making the shooting feel really lame and crappy until your levels are high enough. The balance is also occasionally just awful. I had several incredibly frustrating fights until I leveled up enough, whereupon the entire game is ridiculously easy. I don't mind an overly easy game, but I hate an insanely frustrating one. The complete lack of tutorials doesn't help either. Also... Offhand grenades on back? Really? The driving parts are sort of mediocre also.

Overall, the story pays for all, and towards the end, even the shooting gets fun. From what I've said it may sound like I didn't enjoy myself, but I actually had a hell of a time with this game. Easily one of my favorite games of all time.

That's it for now, I'll post more as the mood strikes.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Two Thousand Bleh-ven